Sunday 4 September 2011

Cure Sugar Cravings - 5 Tips to Wean Off Sugar to Lose Fat and Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Eliminating or greatly reducing sugar from your diet can greatly improve your health. The two main benefits are fat loss and lowering your risk for heart disease. Sugar is a useless nutrient and we're raised to think we can't live without it. Well, you can get rid of it for good with these 5 tips and start feeling a lot better!

But first...
Of course... no one dies or gets fat from a LITTLE bit of sugar...
The problem is we live in a society where chronic excessive sugar intake is the norm. Our diets are filled with sugar and "hidden sugar type substances" that basically act just like sugar.

Sugar and Fat
Eating sugar is the quickest to raise blood glucose levels, which keeps you FAT. When you raise your blood sugar levels it causes a release of insulin to your system. You will not burn any fat cells when insulin is present so basically you become a fat storer.

Sugar and Heart Disease
Inflammation is the critical variable that causes the ravaging effects of heart disease, not simply high cholesterol. It is proven that there is a strong correlation between chronic high blood sugar and inflammation and arterial plaque buildup. Eating sugar causes inflammation which in turn is the ROOT cause of heart disease.

Tip 1. Have Comfort in the Benefits - Just having faith that you are doing something GREAT for your health may be motivation enough for you. Just knowing how good you can feel and how easy it is to ruin that feeling by a quick fix will help you stay on track.

Tip 2. Go Cold Turkey - It will take about 3 days to break the addiction. You will need to plan ahead and have plenty of substitutes on hand when you feel tempted. Don't worry your taste buds will adjust to enjoying less sweet foods in a few days.

Tip 3. Use Natural Sweeteners - You can try Stevia it's a natural herb that is about 200 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia will not spike blood glucose levels like sugar as well.

Tip 4. Get Information - Read labels and understand that there are many sugar based products that are just as harmful as regular table sugar. High fructose corn syrup will sky rocket your blood sugar just like table sugar. Dextrose is another. Understanding that

Tip 5. Enjoy The Benefits - Knowing you are attacking the root cause of two very serious health issues should be comfort enough to motivate you to stop consuming sugar. The benefits of steady energy level, fat loss, and improved arterial function are priceless.

Knowing how and why sugar can be a long term chronic ticket to poor health is step one.
Step two is implementing a solid diet plan that can realistically accomplish you weaning off sugar. If you are looking for a total diet solutions see the video below to accomplish fat loss and heart health naturally.

Why do 95% of all diets fail? Don't fall into the "diet trap", instead, control your blood sugar and get your health back click here to learn how to lose fat and prevent arterial disease.

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